Following are materials that students may find useful and/or interesting.
- R.M. Felder, "An Engineering Student Survival Guide." Success strategies for engineering students (and all other students).
- L. Bullard, "A Survival Guide to Chemical Engineering" Suggestions to students beginning chemical engineering. Most of the suggestions are equally applicable to students in all other branches of engineering.
- R.M. Felder and J.E. Stice,"Tips on Test Taking" Things students should and should not do when preparing for tests and taking them.
- R.M. Felder, "Memo to Students Who Are Disappointed with Their Last Test Grade" Suggestions for improving test grades.
- --, "Tips on Talks." Good practices in preparing and delivering formal oral presentations.
- --, "Impostors Everywhere." Chem. Engr. Education, 22(4), 168-169 (Fall 1988). The Impostor Phenomenon ("Everyone around me really belongs here but I really don't") as applied to engineering students.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 1. Stan and Nathan." Chem. Engr. Education, 23(2), 68-69 (Spring 1989). The sensor and the intuitor on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 2. Susan and Glenda." Chem. Engr. Education, 24(1), 7-8 (Winter 1990). The sequential learner and the global learner on the Felder/Silverman learning styles model.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 3. Michelle, Rob, and Art." Chem. Engr. Education, 24(3), 130-131 (Summer 1990). Three different approaches to learning (deep, surface, and strategic), and the conditions that induce students to take a deep approach.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 4. Jill and Perry." Chem. Engr. Education, 25(4), 196-197 (Fall 1991). The judger and the perceiver on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 5. Edward and Irving." Chem. Engr. Education, 28(1), 36-37 (Winter 1994). The extravert and the introvert on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and to a good approximation, the active learner and reflective learner on the Index of Learning Styles.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 6. Tony and Frank." Chem. Engr. Education, 29(4), 244-245 (Fall 1995). The thinker and the feeler on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
- --, "Meet Your Students: 7. Dave, Martha, and Roberto." Chem. Engr. Education, 31(2), 106-107 (Spring 1997). Three students at different levels of Perry's Model of Intellectual Development.
Students in science and math and anyone who teaches in these fields will also find useful material on
- The Math and Physics Help Home Page. This site contains instructive and entertaining pieces written by Gary and Kenny Felder with titles like "Think like a physicist," "What dx actually means," "Trigonometry Overview," and "Gödel's Theorem."